The SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition (SEAMEO CHAT) has been able to publish Traditions of Water in Asia: Beliefs, Practices and Transformations ,which is the collection of the research papers on the traditions of water in Southeast Asia . Water is very important in our daily life and it is essential for all kind of living things. Since Asia has some strong traditions and beliefs relating to water from the ancient time till now, we decided to put our focus on different traditions of water, its belief, practices and transformation among people in Asia can be found in this book.
It is one of the publications of the Centre published with the objectives to raise awareness of the importance of the traditionof water , to promote better public understanding of the tradition of water and to maintain the festivals in Southeast Asia Region.
The Centre would like to express its gratitude to the Ministry of Education, Myanmar for the continuous financial support in Centre’s publications and to the Professors and heads of social science departments of universities and international researchers for their generous cooperation and contribution.